Category: Creativity

Thank you.

Every project we have the pleasure of working on has its own special place in our hearts, but every now and then, there are those projects that stand out from the rest. This past weekend was a humbling experience to see our work awarded for creative excellence at the American Advertising Awards (the Addys).

The American Advertising Awards is a multi-tiered national competition that begins with a regional entry. For our Posture fam, entering this competition is a time for us to reflect on what we’ve accomplished over the past year and really appreciate the partnerships that have allowed us to create such amazing work.

The night was filled with inspiring work from all over the region. Cheers to all of the creative professionals and students who were honored this weekend at The American Advertising Awards and THANK YOU to our friends and fellow business owners who trusted us the opportunity to bring their vision to life.

Here’s a glimpse at the projects that brought home awards.

Madame Jenny’s

Gold Addy, Judges Choice and People’s Choice

Our favorite part of this integrated brand campaign was entwining the mystery of the Madame and the history of this gorgeous downtown space. Between the tantalizing social ads, sultry website, and intriguing guerilla campaign that involved leaving “Jenny’s keys” around the city with an invitation to her bawdy house, we were bursting at the seams ourselves just to get a sneak peek into the Madame’s jazzy little speakeasy.

2019 Reel

Gold Addy: Self Promotion

It was quite the challenge condensing a year’s worth of creativity into a single sizzle reel, but we’re proud to finally produce a piece that shows off our favorite work while being as high-octane rapid-fire in-your-face as we are. And of course, we made our own music, too. You’re welcome 😉

Fighting for Change

Silver Addy: Interface & Navigation

Sometimes we do our best work when there is a social cause at stake, and this project proved just that. This website and video interview series centered around fighting for a conversation within our country via effective campaigns that inform the public on key issues. We strived to match that positive energy through this website’s bright and engaging user experience.

Avanti Documentary Series

Silver Addy: Cinematography

We’ve been working with our friends at Avanti for several years now on continuously building brand awareness with a new generation while showing an appreciation for the history of this product. After re-launching their web presence, we were delighted (and a bit sweaty) when we had the opportunity to capture stunning drone footage of the fire-curing process at the crack of dawn in Kentucky and Tennessee.

Fancy Parsley

Silver Addy: Responsive Design

When your business has “fancy” in the name, you’re already setting the stage for a classy website experience. Our goal was to challenge ourselves technically (we love playing in React!) to create a web presence for this architecture firm that fits their modern style and forward-thinking mindset. It’s always gratifying to see a brand that you sprouted several years earlier take on new life in a fancy website form.

Electric City Roasting

Silver Addy: Packaging Design

We’ve partnered with Electric City Roasting on their package designs since they were just a baby bean. Every time we collaborate on new packaging, we try to push the brand further while maintaining the integrity and recognition that coffee enthusiasts and baristas have come to know and love.

Thank you.

What the Font?!

Have you ever stared at a word for so long that the spelling begins to look wrong?

In logo creation, we designers are OBSESSED with the lines, curves, and shapes the letters of our language make when placed next to one another. Serifs, sans-serifs, scripts, block fonts, and slabs can change the mood and emotion of a word. It’s easy to find yourself wrapped up in an emotional journey of letters struggling to find just the right way to say something, without needing to say anything at all.

Since man has been able to communicate, letters have been a necessity to languages around the world. Starting with cave paintings humans needed a way to communicate without a voice — pictured turned into symbols, symbols turned into letters, and letters formed words. However, to the everyday person typography, traditionally, was an element of necessity with a simple utility function. That’s not the case anymore. In today’s digital age font options are endless and with access to so many options, typography has gone mainstream! People now have favorite fonts and have become more in tune with the emotional response typefaces can add to a message. For a wonderful look at the impact, typography has on our lives, check out the Netflix episode of Abstract with Jonathan Hoefler.

Jonathan Hoefler is a typeface designer and the founder of the Hoefler Type Foundry and  You may not realize it, but you probably see his work in your everyday life.  His fonts are stables on Apple devices and brands like Tiffany & Co., Nike, and the Guggenheim Museum have commissioned the Foundry for custom brand fonts. The 2008 Obama campaign put Tobias Frere-Jones and Jonathan Hoefler’s font Gotham on the map with its bold san-serif letters exclaiming HOPE and CHANGE on posters seen around the nation.

The Hoefler Type Foundry is also the designer of the font, Archer, which we have entrusted to proudly say our name — Posture. Archer is a slab serif font that was originally commissioned for Martha Stewart Living magazine with the goal of being personable, straightforward, and credible. While,at the same time, looking pretty, hard-working, and frank.  It makes sense why we chose this font to represent Posture, right? describes Archer as the colorful slab serif: sweet but not saccharine, earnest but not grave, it’s designed to hit just the right notes of forthrightness, credibility, and charm. It’s a font that’s friendly without being silly, and attractive without being flashy, Archer is a typeface that’s well-mannered, easy to work with, and inviting to read…just like our Posture peeps!

As you walk down the street, I encourage you to not just read the words around you, but really look at the letters, what do you think their story is?

Logo Graveyard 2019

Happy Halloween everyone and welcome to Posture’s Logo Graveyard!
Where we keep the logos that are no longer with us...

This year at Posture we’re bringing in a new spooky and haunting tradition. Take a scroll, if you dare, to see the unchosen logos of the past. Read their headstones to see how they made it to the graveyard and don’t forget to check out their lively websites.

Client: Madame Jennys

Why we like it: Inspired by the dial on the vault door that is currently at the entrance to the speakeasy, this logo is as sexy as it is silver. Also a nod to the feminine mystique of Jenny Duffy with her eye always watching over Scranton and her business – we weren’t going to get away with putting any smooth moves on this logo. 

Why it went to the logo graveyard: The Madame was looking for something bolder and more representative of Jenny herself. Don’t you just love seeing her lovely silhouette behind the bar now?

Website (2019):

Client: FitAF

Why we like it: This treatment just gives off that “cool kid” vibe. We want to hang out with this logo after school behind the bleachers and listen to Blink 182 while we talk about how much our parents just don’t understand. 

Why it went to the logo graveyard: We went just a little too “grunge band meets Japanese steakhouse.” This concept didn’t fully convey the freshness of the amazing healthy food that FitAF provides. 

Website (2018):

Client: Fancy Parsley

Why we like it: Just like a fine wine, you notice the subtle notes of architecture in this logo as you spend more time drinking it in. The anchor points, the doorways, the possibilities!

Why it went to the logo graveyard: A little fancy, but definitely not much Parsley (and we definitely need to get more greens in our diet). Didn’t quite give off the vibrant and creative personality of the people behind the alluring brand name.

Bonus: We REALLY loved animating the final logo design on this website ?

Website (2019):

Posture Interactive – Portfolio Reel 2019

We’re pleased as pie to present to you our 2019 Portfolio Reel –  Thanks and much love ?? to all of our clients, friends and family for the continued support you show us. Turn the volume up and enjoy! ?

A Branding Jumpstart for Luzerne County Head Start

We’d like to introduce you to our friends at Luzerne County Head Start.

Nearly 6 months ago we participated in “Cropped“, a creative competition hosted by the American Advertising Federation of NEPA that helps non-profits receive new or updated branding through 3 fast-paced rounds of competition between local marketing companies. Luzerne County Head Start (LCHS) was chosen as last year’s featured non-profit, so they presented their list of marketing needs at the competition in November. Each of the teams had to create a logo, tagline, and campaign strategy in 20-minute segments while using only markers, crayons and craft paper. After each segment, a team was eliminated (“cropped” out) by a panel of judges until there was only one team left. The winning team then worked with the non-profit to complete the suite of marketing materials they proposed during the competition at no cost to the nonprofit.

After some creative crayon drawings, brain-busting brainstorming, and witty word-play, Posture ascended through the rounds and won the competition. The best part? We got to work closely with the wonderful Head Start team and we were even invited to visit their location in Wilkes-Barre to help make pancakes and eat breakfast with the kids.

Head Start promotes the school readiness of young children from low-income families through agencies in their local community. Head Start and Early Head Start programs support the comprehensive development of children from birth to age 5, in centers, child care partner locations, and in their own homes. This includes a wealth of information of resources for new or soon-to-be new parents.

Even with such a fantastic wide-spread mission, LCHS still needed a hand with their marketing to help garner the support of more community resources and funding. They actually have a wait list for children to get in because there are many families who can benefit greatly from these programs, but Head Start only has so many open seats for children in the area with their current resources. So in addition to developing a new refreshed logo and a tagline that better expresses the mission of Head Start, we also created a campaign strategy to get the word out.

After seeing how excited Lynn and the team were to use their new marketing materials, we knew we were hooked on Head Start and we couldn’t stop there. The team approached us about giving their website a much-needed overhaul, and we gladly whipped up a proposal for what we know will be a great new chapter for Luzerne County Head Start. Stay tuned for great things to come for our friends at LCHS!

React Training

Training 4 Development giving Posture’s development team the “low down”

This past week we put the development in professional development! Our dev team completed an intense week-long training that sharpened their coding skills in React, Redux, and Typescript. Web design and development are constantly changing so it’s important to stay on top of the trade’s trends. We’re constantly trying to find new ways to improve our brand’s strategies and help them improve, so we’re glad we got to learn some new tricks from Training 4 Development.

Staying creative in the New Year

Some people are gifted with the innate ability to come up with brilliant ideas and innovative solutions effortlessly. The rest of us, however, are forced to work with the complexly (and sometimes clunky) mechanical minds we’ve been given. They grind along well enough if we oil them frequently, but it’s easy to get behind on mental maintenance. Creativity requires vigilance and lots of self-care. It’s almost like taking care of your car but deserves a little more thought. 

Here are our tips for keeping your creative mechanics sharp and running well:

1. Preventative maintenance

Keeping cognitive creation at it’s prime requires preventative maintenance like a cars oil change. Instead of chugging the nearest 5W-30 caffeine, make sure you’re paying attention to how well your engines running, and be sure to take measures accordingly. If you’re feeling drained, don’t push yourself more than necessary.

2. Refuel often

A good day’s work of creative output comes from a lifetime of creative input. Your creativity is based on your lifetime of experiences that have led up to this moment. So keep living your life and feeding your creative side. Make sure you are participating in something you are passionate at least once a day.

3. Rotate your tires regularly

If you’re constantly wearing on the same old tricks you’ve always used, you’ll get worn down. You need a new perspective from time to time, and that requires some time and effort. Whether that’s throwing a new

4. Just get in the car, damnit.

Half the battle is showing up, getting your pen on the page. Chuck Close put it best by saying “Inspiration Is for Amateurs—The Rest of Us Just Show Up and Get to Work.” Most of the time while we’re simply waiting for something to spark our creativity, we could instead be putting effort into creating using what we already have in front of us. Sure, you’ll have some days where you’re fired up and roaring to create, but other days you’ll have to make do with what you can get.

5. Drive with confidence

When you’re out on the road, there are a bazillion other things you could focus on, but it takes a bit of focus and self-confidence to really hone in on driving your creativity to the finish line.

You can do it, now get out there and drive!


Party on…and keep the Arts Alive

I knew pretty early in life that I would pursue a career in something related to visual art. Whether it was drawing banners or building crafts as a kid, I was always pretty artsy-fartsy. I identified and thrived in this area because I was exposed to it and given the opportunity in school and at home to be as artistic as I could.  I was lucky. Not every kid has those opportunities.

Research shows the arts offer benefits far beyond creativity — they increase productivity and focus, they boost confidence, teach problem-solving and so much more. Regardless of their benefits, budgets and curriculums in our public schools make it difficult for our children to be exposed to visual and performing art.

So when our team started thinking about what local organizations we wanted to support this holiday season it was only natural that I thought of something that has had an impact on me personally.  I’ve had the pleasure of working hand in hand with Arts in Education NEPA, a partnership organization of The Pennsylvania Council on the Arts and NEIU 19. Their mission is to advocates for arts education in schools and communities. They administer quality learning experiences in the performing and visual arts.


The most widely known AIE NEPA program, Arts Alive, is celebrating their 26th year this summer. Arts Alive pairs professional working artists and students in grades K-12 for four intensive weeks each summer. And the outcome is nothing short of remarkable.  They create a safe space where no one feels like an outsider and anything is possible. Students self-esteem skyrockets and the boost in confidence trickles through all of their studies improving their grades and attitudes with lifelong lessons they will take with them throughout the year.

What’s even more remarkable is the effect these programs have on children with more serious needs. I’ve personally met autistic children who entered the program as a nonverbal student and have found their voice through Arts Alive… literally and figuratively.


Support of AIE NEPA provides scholarships and transportation to students that otherwise wouldn’t have access to quality educational art programs.


Show your support for the arts and build a virtual gingerbread house for AIE NEPA!

Join the Posture House Party now through December 31st and share your house on social media with #PostureHouseParty to vote for AIE NEPA as the winner of our grand prize — a cash donation plus design and digital support totaling $5,000!

Start building here.

We’re having a party… and you’re invited!

The Posture elves have been busy working on something really fun for this holiday season — we’re having a house party, and you’re invited! No need for a covered dish or party clothes, you can join in the fun right from your couch if you like.

The Posture House Party is an interactive gingerbread house building extravaganza!


We’re asking our friends, families, clients and the community to build their own digital gingerbread house and share their holiday creation on social media.  But what’s even better is each house built will be a vote for one of our favorite non-profits. The organization with the most houses shared in their honor will be awarded a cash prize and a boatload of our time for their design, web, and digital content needs — all totaling $5,000!


The Posture team put our heads together to identify the causes we care about most —  as a result, we’re thrilled to be partnering with Arts in Education Northeast Pensylvania, Blue Chip Farm, Geisinger Janet Weis Children’s Hospital, The United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties, and Our Pocono Waters.


We’ll be partying on until December 31st and we’ll announce our winner in the new year!

What are you waiting for? Start building at

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of the Internet

Well, Google, net neutrality affects everyone.

As we celebrate our independence, we couldn’t help but think a bit on this summer’s changes in rules regarding a “free” internet. On June 11, when net neutrality officially expired, and we were trying to find the latest updates , Google suggested: “How does that affect you?” Well, Google, net neutrality affects everyone. it’s just that the internet is so populated with news sources reporting different aspects, that the “how” gets drowned out. It seems no one knows what to make of it.

Here at Posture, we are most interested in what it means for us as a team and the clients we serve. Will it slow traffic to the web applications we create? How will we know? Will it limit people’s access? How will clients need to evolve in order to stay current with any trends or consequences that result from the Net Neutrality expiration? For the most part we don’t have definitive answers. We do however, have a hell of a lot of ideas.

The internet was created as a government program during the Cold War to bypass wired communication, in the event of an attack. Essentially, the government set up what we would call servers in order to send and receive very limited amounts of information. These bits of information would later be used to transmit scientific data, and later the servers would expand and grow to become the “World Wide Web.”

Essentially, the government set up what we would call servers in order to send and receive very limited amounts of information.

At the time of its creation, the World Wide Web was the epitome of human communication, and obviously in many ways it still is. The expiration of net neutrality marks an end of the World Wide Era in the context of information freely flowing without limit.

Now,companies and profits can be prioritized for certain levels or access to services instead of the users being free to experience any service they wish. Many companies made statements assuring customers of their loyalty to customers. It’s a hard place to be, the crux of two impasses: customer loyalty and making money.

At Posture, we want our clients to be happy, which means we provide the best possible products and services in order to fulfill their goals. We expect no less of our internet providers. We’ll keep our information on this topic free flowing as we learn more.

At Posture, we want our clients to be happy, which means we provide the best possible products and services in order to fulfill their goals.


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