Avanti Cigar Company

Marketing an American Tradition with Italian Roots

Avanti Cigar Company is one of the oldest Italian American cigar companies in America and remains the only producer of fire-cured cigars in the United States. We were delighted to partner with Avanti and Manifatture Sigaro Toscano to tell the story of the brand’s rich history while developing a fresh look for a new generation. From designing and developing the expansive eCommerce website, to producing stunning drone footage at the fields, this project certainly rolled into a robust campaign that we’re still working to evolve to this day.

Project Showcase:

Project Resources:

Web Development

Front End Development
Responsive Web Development
Secure Hosting Solution
Server Administration
Wordpress Custom Theme Development
Back End Development

Graphic Design & Branding

Animation & Motion Graphics
Apparel & Promo Item Design
Custom Web Development Wireframing
Digital Ad Creative
Email Marketing Design
Interactive Installations & Event Concepts
Merchandise Design & Fulfillment
Package Design
Photography & Editing
Responsive Web Designs Rendered for Desktop, Tablet + Mobile
Sitemap Development
Trade & Publication Ad Creative
Trade Show Booth Environments
Web Design

Marketing & Content

Digital Advertising Campaigns
Email Marketing
Reputation Management
Retargeted Marketing
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Social Media Marketing
Traditional & Online Ad Placement
Video Production/Editing
Website Analytics
Website Content Management

Technical Specs

Foundation Framework

Think We're a Good Fit?

Get in touch with us and tell us a bit more. We’d love to chat.


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