Intern Spotlight: Carla Henry
Posture is extra #blessed this summer to have not one, but TWO crazy talented interns! We’d like to introduce you to our super-talented design intern coming to us from her school in State College, Carla Henry:

Who are ya?
My name is Carla-Ann Henry, but I’ve always
Where do you hail from?
I’m from a few different areas. I’m originally from Northeast Pennsylvania but then moved to Northern Kentucky for 7 years. I then moved to Central Pennsylvania for school, and now I’m in Scranton!
What inspired you to study design?
I was always slightly interested in design work and art in general, but what really inspired me is my older sister, Kara. She always knew she wanted to study design and has been professionally working at a design firm in Kentucky for two years now. Her journey really pushed me to pursue design as a career.
Who inspires you lately?
Personally, I always think my sister inspires me. I constantly see her work and talk to her about different projects and it really inspires me to continue and grow in what I’m doing.
What’s the best thing about going to school in State College?
The best thing was probably how close everything is to each other. There isn’t much outside of State College, but when you’re in it there’s a good number of shops and different places to eat. Downtown State College is always super busy, but when the Penn State students leave it’s always nice to take a trip Downtown.
Why did you choose to come to Posture Interactive in Scranton, PA for your internship?
As I mentioned before, my sister has always been my inspiration and who I look up to. During my internship
What is the most interesting project/client you’ve worked on at Posture Interactive?
The most interesting is definitely a visual food menu in multiple languages for a local hospital. I didn’t even know that they were a thing, but I’ve become very familiar with the one I’ve been working on.
What would you tell fellow students who haven’t had an internship yet?
I would tell them to look for an internship with the intention of really getting to know what kind of environment you want to be in when you’re working. There are so many people out there with your exact level of skill, but what will really set you apart from the others is how well you fit into that environment, and that’s what you want to look for.
What is your ideal project?
My ideal project is one where there’s a healthy amount of communication and flexibility between you and your client. Incorporating illustrations is also a plus!
What’s your favorite computer program?
As far as Adobe Creative Cloud goes, I always gravitate towards Illustrator. Making vector illustrations has always been so much fun for me to work with. Other than that, I would definitely go with Sims 4 (if that counts as a computer program).
Do you have a favorite location in Scranton?
I haven’t been able to explore too much of Scranton yet, but if I had to pick a favorite so far it would be the parking lot of this one building downtown that I couldn’t even tell you the name of.
This year for St. Patty’s day (when I wasn’t living here yet) I was invited to a work get-together in a parking lot downtown and I was immediately immersed in the spirit of Scranton. It was the closest thing resembling city-wide parties in Cincinnati, and it felt like home.
True or false: Dogs really run the show around here at Posture.
TRUE! The whole office makes sure to greet every dog that comes through, and every dog gets all of the pets they want!